will power

control of one's impulses and actions; self-control.
Also, willpower.

will to power

(in the philosophy of Nietzsche) the self-assertive creative drive in all individuals, regarded as the supreme quality of the superman.
Examples from the web for will power
  • Considers whether running every day requires will power.
  • Those strategies will place an increasing emphasis on emerging markets, many of which will power ahead.
  • The city still has not decided where it will store and maintain the vehicles, or how it will power them.
  • The biofuels or batteries that will power cars in the alternative future should beat petrol at today's prices.
  • If their flow becomes more irregular, so will power supply.
  • They will not develop new engines until they see market demand for the aircraft they will power.
  • Hybrids, electrics, and what-not will power the motor world into a bright future.
  • People who clenched a muscle were able to increase their will power in a series of tests.
  • Drinking and not drinking for an alcoholic has never been about will power or knowing when to stop.
  • It has nothing to do with will power or time devoted.